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"The Mental Connection" DVD Set of the Savvy Mastery Series in German & English

Former 4-star Parelli Instructor Silke Vallentin is known for her breathtaking performances of On Line and Liberty with her horses.

In this comprehensive DVD set, Silke teaches you the secrets that will help you develop your On Line skills beyond Parelli Level 4! Silke frames these lessons with her Four Qualities of Exercise - a set of guidelines that influence everything she does with her horses. Over the course of this four-disc set, Silke will be joined for hands-on lessons by three students: Parelli Professionals Liz Jones, Shawn Coleman, and Fawn Anderson. She emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and patience, and sets these students and their horses up for whatever they will experience in Level 4 and beyond.

From refining your cues and fine-tuning your body language to controlling your energy and improving your horse's biomechanics, you'll learn all that and more with Savvy Mastery: On Line with Silke Vallentin!

"The Mental Connection" DVD Set of the Savvy Mastery Series in German & English

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  • The product is a discounted remainder from Silke's time as a 4-Star Parelli Instructor.

    The offer is only valid while stocks last.

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